Best Movers in Nashville – 615-650-3261

Contrary to recent rumors suggesting that the much anticipated iPad2’s release date will be delayed, apparently we will be seeing the new Apple iPad2 in as soon as a week! Not much is widely known about the new specs, but the new iPad2 will surely be a crowd pleaser as it’s not Apple’s nature to disappoint. It has been said, among other things, that the iPad will be slimmer and more lightweight than its predecessor. Talks of a forward facing camera for facetime activity have surfaced, as well as talk of a much improved, retina display style – similar to the iPhone4 – being a new feature for the iPad. Your Nashville area mover cannot deny excitement for the new iPad, we currently utilize several iPads and they are both extremely useful and also a lot of fun! Just days away from the arrival of several other tablet PCs, Apple will surely have their competition cut out for them; the battle of the tablet bulge is officially upon us!

I can’t speak for anybody but myself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I am part of a vast majority of people who loathe the thought of posting up all day in the drive way for a pre-moving garage sale. Garage sales and yard sales made perfect sense back in the ‘80s and early 90’s, but it is 2011 now; there is a much easier and more sensible way to do just about anything these days, garage sales included.
Moving has always been commonly prefaced with a sale of no-longer-needed goods; one man’s garbage is another mans treasure, and moving in Nashville is a very ideal time to cash in “garbage” for sure. Fortunately, the days of spending hours on your front porch waiting for your unwanted belongings to sell are over thanks to the Internet! If you’ve spent the last several years living under a rock, you are probably still familiar with websites such as craigslist and EBay; these are outlets to serious buyers, as opposed to the boredom-stricken individuals attracted to infest your lawn and driveway when you hold a traditional on-site garage sale. Think of the advantages here! No need to set up displays of your belongings, nor is there a need to spend an entire day posted up at home hoping your goods will sell. Furthermore; you have the advantage of typing up a sales pitch for each individual item that you wish to sell off; snap a quick picture, type up an appealing description, then just set it and forget it! You would be pleasantly surprised by the number of interested buyers your online postings are capable of bringing to you. And while news of a garage sale is limited to spreading only throughout your local area, since nobody has to drive anywhere to surf the web your postings reach a much larger audience which benefits you in multiple ways! If you are moving in Nashville, a pre-move sale is definitely a smart idea. Why not be smart the smart way, and host your “garage sale” online? I can’t think of a single down side, can you?

If you live in Nashville, you already know that this is a place for much country music and fast times. Music isn’t the only claim to fame for the busy city as Nashville has recently been ranked among the top ten U.S. Cities for attractive individuals, also for singles. Quite the killer combination! Moving to Nashville? You won’t find singles drowning their sorrows in Nashville bars, just a lovely bunch of fun-loving music fanatics ready to mingle! No matter whom you are; Nashville has something exciting in store for you. Be it a big-time country star stopping into town for a great show, local music acts in one of the countless bars and honky-tonks, or finding that new special someone; Nashville welcomes you with open arms. Your local Nashville movers can attest to the hype, Nashville is a load of fun! Whether you are moving to Nashville or just stopping in for a visit, you are sure to thoroughly enjoy yourself!

Are you moving in Nashville soon? If you are like most people who are looking to move to a new home any time soon, your free time is very limited. School, work, family, and other obligations can really leave you crunched for time; especially during the holidays. If you had all the time in the world, you could devote a lot more time to moving in Nashville; but in reality you could use a little professional help with your move.
Remember, you have professional movers in Nashville who are moving experts. You need apartment packers? You got it! You need piano movers? You got it! You need automobile movers? You got it! Anything you need, your Nashville area professional movers are here to help you. Your move is covered, so you can relax and focus on life outside of moving.

Before you start shopping around, ask yourself, “What is it that I need?” Most service industry companies have a whole lot of different options, some of which you won’t necessarily require. The more services provided, the more costly your expenses will be. Step one is really simple. Just sit down with a pen and a pad and figure out exactly what you need. Shopping around for anything is more effective if you get started early, so don’t procrastinate. Once you have a good idea of what you actually need from the service provider you’ll hire, start researching companies that offer what you seek. Research can be done online; it can also be done by having a conversation with people who have hired out for similar services. Have a friend who had an excellent experience with such a company? Odds are you’ll have a good experience too, but you should still shop around so that you know you’re making the best choice. Keep in mind; reputation is extremely important, as is experience.

Eventually you’ll be on the phone with multiple service providers having different versions of the same conversation with each of them. “Hello my name is so-and-so and I need this that and the other on such-and-such date…” Make sure that you have your preliminary notes handy, and be sure to take notes as well. You should have a basic idea of what you need already, but the voice on the other end of the phone is a terrific source of insight, so take advantage, and compare with other companies what you’ll discuss. Remember; some of the quotes that you receive may seem to-good-to-be-true… trust your instincts on this. For example: In the moving industry (as with many service-labor industries) there are local movers who pay bottom dollar for temporary or day-worker labor. The low cost to such companies does result in extra-low rates for you, but it all balances out in the end. Nashville movers who hire day-laborers provide a service which is void of skill, speed, and efficiency, thus defeating the purpose of low tempting rates. Greatness is achieved through experience not through cutting corners. You get what you pay for, so make a truly educated decision when the time comes to pick your service provider. Happy shopping, everybody! Good luck!

Planning a move…did you create a budget?
Have you considered how much it takes to move? Planning a moving budget should be the first step towards planning a move. I usually recommend requesting a few quotes to find the going rates of movers in Nashville. Once you’ve narrowed those down to the best three, determine what you’re willing to spend on a move of this nature. Make certain you add in cost for everything associated with your move. Consider the cost it will take for travel, if out of town, moving supplies, deposits for utilities, etc. On another note, some moving expenses are tax deductible, so keep your receipts!

If you’re like me, you hate to pack. If there was some “I dream of genie” way I could blink and cause everything to jump into boxes I would do it every time. There’s the labeling, the proper padding…you get the picture. But in retrospect, unpacking can be equally challenging. Unpacking all of those clothes, dishes, accessories and placing them in their proper place could take weeks. On my next move, I’m going full service. It’s my form of the “I dream of genie” packing method. My Nashville movers will arrive to wrap, pack, load, unload and unpack my items. No more jumping hurdles for me! Share with me your packing and unpacking challenges.

When it comes to moving your valuables its really crucial you hire a moving company that employs full-time movers and not day laborers. Some Nashville movers are prone to engage in this type of activity when overwhelmed with business. However, hiring a skilled professional is what consumers expect when contacting a reputable Nashville moving company. Day laborers don’t represent the cream-of-the-crop in the moving industry and as a result could damage your property. Do your research. When hiring a moving company ask if their movers are full-time. You can also check their industry affiliations, as certain organizations have strict guidelines movers must follow.

Often people with busy schedules during the week pick the weekend to make a move of any kind. Therefore, weekend moves in Nashville are somewhat hectic. Believe or not, with some Nashville moving companies the closer you get to the weekend the higher the hourly moving rate. I always recommend moving between Monday and Wednesday if possible. These days are usually slower and provide great savings. When calling to receive a moving quote simply ask the rate for the weekend and compare it with an early weekday rate. In some instances it’s worth taking off a weekday to save money.

There are numerous details associated with moving your staff, so hiring a reputable Nashville moving company is crucial. What most business owners desire is the ability to move without interruption of productivity. Believe it or not, you can achieve a major relocation and not miss a beat. Your Nashville commercial mover will designate a moving coordinator to assist your entire team with successful planning and implementation of your company’s transition. Your moving coordinator should provide you with a moving strategy that works best with your team’s schedule and your overall budget. Read the full article.